demonstration SUMI-E
bamboo, plumblossom, orchid, chrysanth
zaterdag 22-february 2025 11.00 – 13.00 & 14.00 – 16.00uur | Eindhoven
docent: Marjanne Geurtsen
Marjanne shows you how to do Traditional Japanese ZEN painting and gives background information.
You can also paint a bamboo yourself under her guidance.
- Kosten: free
- Date & time Saturday february 22, 11.00 – 13.00 uur & 14.00 -16.00
- Docent: Marjanne Geurtsen
- Registering: not necessary
National TV Netherlands
On November 30th I was on National TV with sumi-e at 18:45
On the program ‘Zin in morgen’ NPO 2 KRO NCRV
Following an interview 2.5 years ago,
I was approached by television.
They asked me because it’s about positive attitude towards life, despite (or thanks to) everything what’s happening in life. As I see opportunities and possibilities in my poor eyesight.
I enjoy passing on my passion, sumi-e, to others. to National TV: ‘zin in morgen’ November 30, 2024
This is about Sumi-e: a zen – painting way of looking to possibilities
At an International Exhibition, Artandlowwision, an exhibition for visually impaired artists with participants from Brazil, France, Belgium, Netherlands, etc. Both artworks I made have won!
The Plum Blossom, Spring, has won the Public prize, thanks to all who have voted at the travelling exhibitions in Belgium and the online exhitibion.

The Maria Magdalena reading has won the first prize of the adults.

more information about Sumi-e see the page Sumi-e of this website
Group Exhibition in Paris:
Sumi-e & Calligraphy
Hôtel Cabane, 76 rue Raymond Losserand, 75014 Paris
Mai 27th / June 2nd
May 30: demonstration painting

zaterdag 22-february 2025 11.00 – 13.00 & 14.00 – 16.00uur | Eindhoven
docent Marjanne Geurtsen
lees meer:
Wat ga je zien?
Marjanne laat je kennis maken met Japans inkt schilderen, op een leuke manier ontdek je wat de kracht van eenvoud is. Hierbij mag je onder begeleiding van Marjanne zelf een bamboe schilderen.
- Kosten: gratis
- Datum & tijd: zaterdag 22 february 11.00 uur t/m 13.00 uur & 14.00 uur t/m 16.00 uur
- Docent: Marjanne Geurtsen
- Opgeven via: is niet vereist

Marjanne Geurtsen (Marj) 040-8445424
marj at

Brussels, 24,25,26 November 2021
selected for the finals Exhibition: 2nd Price sumi-e Orchid & 3rd Price double portrait in charcoal drawing / chiaro scuro tempera paint Location: Square, Glass Entrance, Mont des Arts, B-1000 BRUSSELS

The art of looking from your heart. Solo exhibition
Artworks by Marjanne Geurtsen (Oosterbeek, 12 -01- 1959)
10.11.2021 – 23.01.2022
Kunstlocatie WÜRTH ’s Hertogenbosch
Def Flyer_Marjanne_Geurtsen (003) _ tentoonstelling/actueel.php

2nd price in the finals: LIMBURG BIËNNALE
EXHIBITION: ECI Cultuurfabriek: ECI 13, 6041 MA Roermond 4 July t/m 31 July 2021
EXHIBITION: ODA Park Venray/ Venray Museum: Merseloseweg 117, 5801 CC Venray 12 t/m 23 June 2021

Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam

Group Exhibition A Doodle a Day
20 June / 15 July 2020
Animation A Doodle a Day
until 15 July 2020
General Practioner de Steur, Eindhoven
Several digital Exhibitions from March 2020 / December 2020
14-16 November 2019 in the Brabanthallen ’s Hertogenbosch

you can see this artwork of me
see the link below .

solo expo in City Monastery La Verna, Amsterdam West
July 2019 – December 2019
‘Today is my favorite day’
27 August & 3 September 2019: Workshop painting human skin, the Italian Renaissance method
9.45 – 15.00. Amsterdam West
Info en registration:: Max 6 people. costs € 75,-
25 june 2019: Fayoum painting in Encaustic
9.45 – 15.00. Amsterdam West
Info en registration:: Max 10 people. costs € 75,-
30 April 2019 : Workshop Color in Tratteggio and Color Fading
Tempera paint 9:45 – 15:00 Amsterdam West.
Info en registration:: Max 10 people. costs € 75,-

expo Amsterdam West Buurtlicht
17 May 2019 – 14 June 2019
de Koperen Knoop
expo Rick in Weert Limburg
20 May 2019 – 5 June 2019
solo expo Leo Kannerhuis Amsterdam
December 2018 – July 2019
solo exhibition:
1 March 2019 – 1 September 2019
UWV headquarters, 15th floor, Sloterdijk Amsterdam
department Employers Business
today is my favourite day & every day is my favourite day

MMMM3, 122,5x 122,5 x 8,5 cm
22 December ’18 / 22 Januar ’19 the Salon expo Arti et Amicitiae,
Christmas: Issie al dood of niet / Is he already dead or not December 2018 / Januar 2019 Christmas expo Arti et Amicitiae,
19 Januar 2019: Workshop Gesso and Glue-paint, 12:15 – 17:00 Amsterdam West. Info en registration:: Max 12 people. costs € 75,- Photo: grisaille in Rome black & Titan white, tempera grassa on panel 20×20 cm

Galerie Beeldend Gesproken, de Hallen Amsterdam: December 2018 / Januar 2019 . Christmas happy sale
30 november 2018 Exhibition van Abbe Museum Eindhoven: Manchester Madonna Manga
25 november 2018: Workshop Tempera Grassa, 12:15 – 17:00 Amsterdam West. Info en registration:: Max 12 people. costs € 70,-
28 & 29 October: Dutch Design Week Eindhoven, Veem building, 8th/9th floor, Strijp S, Torenallee 100, Eindhoven
15 October 2018 – 31 Januar 2019: duo exhibition Marj+Roger Loo-erf, Waldeck Piermontstraat 31,Apeldoorn
solo exhibition
Galerie Beeldend Gesproken, Hannie Dankbaarpassage 23, de Hallen Amsterdam,
25 september – 8 October 2018 prolongation: 11 October 2018 glassworks: stained glass and more. Tempera, oil, fresco’s parchment, etc
7 October 11.30
opening: 25 september 12:00 with a free guided tour
several free guided tours during the exhibition
& workshops painting tempera / aquarel / gelatin glue paint information: Galerie Beeldend Gesproken, de Hallen Amsterdam, 020-3090390
future exhibitions:
30 November, van Abbe museum Eindhoven, opening 13.30
actual exhibitions:
Muziekinstrumenten Museum Vosbergen Eelde
Grafisch Museum Groningen, GRID
glassworks GRID
Buurtwerkplaats Cliffordstraat Amsterdam, from april 2016
4 oil paintings
Galerie Beeldend Gesproken, de Hallen Amsterdam, from Januar 2015
2 drawing sheeps.

doppen: mixed media, glas, wood, mirror and….
former exhibitions:
Galerie Beeldend Gesproken, de Hallen Amsterdam, juli 2018
summerart: expo en demonstration tempera grassa
museum Orientalis, Nijmegen juni/juli 2018
tempera, fresco, oilpaint, parchment, etc.
Slot Zeist, februari 2018 – juni 2018
several stained glassworks & 8 panel: today is my favorite day
Galerie Beeldend Gesproken, de Hallen Amsterdam, maart – april 2017
glassworks van Gogh, kijkdoos, rack & leporello
Non Solus Amsterdam, 2017
2 sea landscapes
Non Solus Amsterdam, 2017
4 drawings
Het Nieuwe Instituut, architectonisch museum Rotterdam,
23 Januar 2017
van Abbe Museum Eindhoven, november 2016 – december 2016
Moti Museum Breda, april 2016 – august 2016
glassworks van Gogh, kijkdoos & rack
Galerie Reuten, Amsterdam, januar 2016 – februar 2016
4 drawings van Gogh
vlakglasmuseum Ravenstein, june 2015 – januar 2016
3 works of glass
Non Solus Amsterdam, december 2015 – januar 2016
4 drawings van Gogh
Galerie Beeldend Gesproken, de Hallen Amsterdam
december 2015 & december 2016
Christmas happy sale
Orpheus Apeldoorn
16 November 2015
v Gogh 4 drawings and v Gogh glass double
de Coehoorn Arnhem
June 2014
2 drawings, Baby’s, photo’s, paintings
Cobra Museum Amstelveen
22 September 2014,
2 drawings, Baby’s